
July 9 - 12, 2023
Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Thank you to all who joined us in Boston for IEEE FLEPS 2023! We look forward to seeing you next year in Tampere, Finland for IEEE FLEPS 2024!

IEEE FLEPS 2023 Program

Interest Areas

Topics of Interest

  • Organic/Inorganic Electronics and Sensors
  • Advanced Manufacturing Techniques
  • Hybrid Flexible Sensors and Electronics
  • Soft/Smart Wearable and Implantable Sensing Systems
  • Printed Large-Area Sensors and Systems
  • Emerging applications of Flexible Electronics inc. IoT, smart cities etc.
  • Flexible/Printable Electronics in context with Circular and Green Electronics
  • Emerging Materials for Flexible and Printable Systems
  • High-throughput Printable Electronics
  • Stretchable/Shrinkable Sensors and Electronics
  • Disposable/Reusable Sensors and Electronics
  • Active and Passive Components (e.g. actuators, printed energy devices, smart labels, RFID etc.)
  • Reliability, Simulation and Modelling

Plenary Speakers

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Stephanie Lacour
EPFL, Switzerland


Natalie Stingelin
Georgia Institute of Technology
School of School of Materials Science & Engineering, USA


Edzer Huitema
E Ink Corporation, USA

FLEPS 2023 Newsletter
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Special Thanks


Conference Sponsors

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  • ieee-tag-black.svg

Gold Patrons

  • DFLogo.png

Silver Patron

  • NeotechLOGO.png
  • NU Electrical and Computer Engineering_RGB_N-motto_NURed+B.png


  • XTPL_R_logo_claim_RGB.png